HomeMelbourne MattersFrom AdamI’m fighting for you.

I’m fighting for you.

If you’re worried about the rising cost of food and housing, you’re not alone.

You’re working harder and being charged through the roof by big corporations, supermarkets and big banks making record profits on the basics, like food and housing.

The system is broken. In a wealthy country like ours, no one should be skipping meals, no one should be struggling to afford their home. It doesn’t need to be this way.

Labor is failing to act. Instead of taking on the big banks, supermarkets and big corporations, Labor is letting them rip people off.

Rents and mortgages are out of control. Labor has refused to coordinate a rent freeze and direct the RBA to put mortgage increases on hold, and instead they are giving billions in tax handouts to wealthy property investors who own three or more homes that are denying renters a chance to own their own home. All of this delivers massive profits to the big banks.

There is a lot government can do to tackle the soaring cost of living.

The Greens are fighting to take on the big corporations, bring down prices and tax them to provide the things everyone needs.

We can freeze and cap rents, stop the big banks profiteering and build more public and affordable housing. We can end the billions in tax handouts going to wealthy property investors.

We can make supermarket price gouging illegal, break up the big supermarkets and bring down the cost of food. We can put mental and dental into Medicare, make childcare free and wipe student debt. We can ensure everyone has everything they need. All of this is possible.

Labor is just choosing not to. They take millions in donations from big corporations and are choosing to tinker around the edges rather than take on the system and fight for people. It’s getting harder to tell Labor and the Liberals apart.

Change is possible. In this cost of living, housing and rental crisis, we’re fighting for you.

Adam Bandt
Your Federal Member for Melbourne